Epidemic Victus Cadaver – A Journal by Nicholas Berry

journal Jul 24, 2019

I love a good horror story! Fangs, fur, things that go bump in the night and zombies, especially zombies. Lately it seems as if hordes of these mindless ghouls have invaded pop culture. There are so many movies about these predators and their insatiable appetites for human flesh, but not so many books. Epidemic Victus Cadaver: a Journal by Nicholas Berry fills a void. It’s a good zombie tale and it’s written with a twist. the author puts his own spin on this horror story by telling it in the form of journal entries.
It’s 2007 and a journal is discovered in the charred remains of a residential area. It’s a rural area although the location is not disclosed. The journal was kept by a man who barricaded himself in his house while surrounded by the undead. The only sound he hears is a DJ who is still able to broadcast. The effects of his isolation begin to wear on him as the threat to humanity grows. Will he survive or succumb to the living dead?
Berry does a good job providing a quick and entertaining read. His style is realistic and makes the story seem believable. It’s not all blood and gore, there’s a decent plot and a fair amount of action. The sympathetic protagonist is a survivor, someone you can relate to. He does what he can to stay alive while fear and seclusion take a toll on his sanity. You’ll be cheering him on. If you are a fan of the horror genre and psychological thrillers you will probably enjoy this one.
Publisher: (January 15, 2010)
ISBN: 978-0557255252
Paperback: 154 Pages
Price: $10.50

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